Student Email

Q: How does my child access their email?
A: Students will find an Outlook 365 link on the Student Portal of the Oneonta City School District web site ( They log on using their district and their district password.

Q: Is it safe for my child to have an email account?

A: Our number one priority is your child's safety while at school and on-line.  Email can be used in many ways to support the instructional process in the classroom.  We hope that as teachers begin to use student email as a classroom tool, all students will understand the increasingly global society in which we live.

With the exception of students in grades 9-12, student email accounts are not accessible to or from outside the domain. Our goal is for students to understand they are responsible email citizens once they reach 11th grade and their email accounts are opened up so they may use their district accounts to communicate with college admissions counselors, college sports coaches, potential employers, etc.

Since students younger than grade 11 do not have access outside of the domain, parents will not be able to exchange email with them.


Q: My student receives way too much email from Schoology notifications, how can we reduce that?

A: Here is how to manage student Schoology notifications

Q: What advice should I give my child about using email?

A:  Never give your password out to anyone. Remember, when an email is sent from your account, you are responsible for the content. If you give your password to another student and they send an inappropriate message to someone else, you are responsible and may lose your email account. 

A: Never give out personal information over email. Never give out personal information to others online, especially if it is someone you do not know. If at any time you are uncomfortable with an email message sent to you, let your teacher or parents know. 

A: Remember, your Oneonta City School District email account is monitored. Any message you send to another individual should be able to be read by your parents. Never send anything to anyone you wouldn’t want your parents to read. 

Q: Are there district rules about using the student email account?

A: These guidelines come out of the Student Code of Conduct: 

  1. I will not use email to bully, harass, or threaten other students or individuals 

  2. I understand that email is provided to me by the district and is district property. The district reserves the right to access a students email account at any time if misuse is suspected 

  3. I understand that my email account is filtered and that any message written containing inappropriate language or content will be subject to losing access. 

We want all students to have access to email in order to communicate with others and complete online projects. However, any student violating the terms and conditions listed above may have their email account disabled. Please be sure that all communication is appropriate. 

Q: What is appropriate email etiquette?

A: When you have a face to face conversation with someone, you can see their facial expressions. We understand a lot of our conversation by also noting the facial expression of the person talking to us. We have to be very careful when writing email since we cannot see the person’s face and don’t always know if they are joking or being serious. Follow the tips below to make sure you are not misunderstood. 

  1. Never use all capital letters. If you write a message in all capital letters, it is generally assumed in the email world that you are shouting at the person. 

  2. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t say in school. Remember, your email is filtered for inappropriate language and conversation. Never write anything to another person that you wouldn’t say out loud at school. 

  3. Never send threatening email to other people. Threatening another student online through email is just like threatening them in person. Never threaten someone, even jokingly. Disciplinary action will be taken if a student threatens others online. 

  4. Always fill in the subject line in your email. Everyone receives a large amount of email these days. Always include a subject line so the recipient of the email knows what the message is about.