Three students sitting at a table smiling.

Today, Oneonta High School proudly hosted a Red Cross Blood Drive organized by Mrs. Tina Smith and her students. This event marked not only a chance for the school community to give back but also an opportunity for students to actively engage in promoting and participating in a lifesaving cause.

 Mrs. Smith's students played a pivotal role in making the event a success by actively promoting the blood drive in the weeks leading up to today. From crafting eye-catching advertisements to composing persuasive emails and announcements, these students left no stone unturned in spreading the message of the importance of blood donation among the school community. The students took it upon themselves to decorate the school with posters, turning Oneonta High into a canvas of encouragement for potential donors.

 At the event, these dedicated students continued to shine by assisting in setting up, checking in donors, and distributing snacks and drinks to those who generously contributed. Mrs. Smith emphasized the importance of instilling the values of volunteering and blood donation in the students, showcasing their commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

 "We currently have 20 teachers and students scheduled to donate," Mrs. Smith revealed. Last year, the school had to turn away participants due to overwhelming support, collecting an impressive 39 pints of blood. The impact of this drive reached far beyond the school grounds, as for every pint collected, up to three lives were saved. The Red Cross personnel were deeply impressed, and the school was even able to present a $250 scholarship to a graduating senior as a result of their collective efforts.

 Mrs. Smith expressed a desire to surpass last year's achievements, noting that the overwhelming participation had forced them to turn away potential donors due to time constraints. This year, the goal is to amaze the Red Cross once again and potentially save even more lives.

 The event was not only well-attended by students and staff alike, but it also drew in 13 first-time blood donors. Mrs. Smith's students, stationed at the registration table and post-donation snack area, ensured a seamless and enjoyable experience for all participants.

In the spirit of OHS's school-wide expectations, today's event was not just about donating blood; it was about engaging with the community and staying connected. The blood drive's success saves lives and reinforces the values that the Oneonta High School stands for.


Blood Drive 2.9.24 Photos